1/17 Sale Order For thesoulsoftheearth (Abandoned/Available)

1/17 Sale Order For thesoulsoftheearth (Abandoned/Available)

$300.60 Sale Save

Only 1 left in stock

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Fairy Stone $1.00 $0.60
Fairy Stone $1.00 $0.60
Fairy Stone $1.00 $0.60
Shungite $15.00 $9.00
Shungite $31.00 $18.60
Shungite $33.00 $19.80
Pistachio Calcite $44.00 $26.40
Calcite + Pyrite $56.00 $33.60
Snowflake Obsidian $42.00 $25.20
Red Quartz $52.00 $31.20
Crackle x10 $100.00 $60.00
Camo Jasper x6 $60.00 $36.00
Garnet in Limestone $20.00 $12.00
Fairy Stone $5.00 $3.00
Andalusite x40 $40.00 $24.00

(This order belongs to a specific customer. Please do not purchase unless your name is attached to this invoice.)