Charoite - A stone that ranges from purple to pinkish purple and can have inclusions of quartz and manganese. It is mainly mined from the Chara River in Russia. Charoite is considered a stone for transformation and is noted to be a stone for the age. It helps to sync the heart and the crown Chakras to allow for spiritual energy to ground unconditional love.
It helps to overcome fear, stimulate spiritual insight and is a wonderful companion to those who are dealing with tremendous change. It helps with acceptance of your situation, and to put things into perspective. It assists with emotional and physical healing converting dis-ease into wellness. It helps one accept others and recognize and integrate negative aspects of the self in a positive way. It encourages an open heart and brings forth one’s giving nature, allowing you to see with love and to understand that we are all connected.
It has magical qualities and helps you to allow magic into your life. It can be used in vision work and can work as a protection charm in your environment. Charoite can bring purity to the self and help you to see how you create your own challenges. It is great to help sustain your attention span, increase your analytical abilities and align you with precision in your method.