
Rhodonite comes in a range from pink to red often and is known to be a stone of love.  It vibrates with the heart chakra and also facilitates connection between the heart and root chakras to facilitate actions being performed with love. It also balances the male/females energies within and opens the path to reach your greatest potential.  It assists with seeing both sides of a situation and encourages you to connect with the soul of humanity.  It is a wonderful stone for treating shock and the emotional response to trauma, something that often gets overlooked when dealing with crisis.  It heals and clears wounds both from this life and past lives -healing the experience with love and to gain the wisdom from the learning.  It is also instrumental in healing resentments and the action of wanting to take revenge.  It allows you to let go and move on.  It helps transmute anxiety during chaos and to stay one within.  It has been used to detect fraud and also operate with integrity.  It is good for healing emotional wounds and wounds of the flesh.  It has been used for inflammation, arthritis and heart disorders.