I want to discuss belief systems and the ways we can recover from them. Let’s walk through how updating and revising your belief systems can change your life.
If you’re going through a period of personal development or spiritual awakening, you are most likely familiar with the concept of “belief systems.” However, understanding the constructs of belief systems is still very complex. Afterall, shape everything about us.
We collect and develop belief systems from birth. Our parents have their own as well. We are ingrained with generations upon generations of belief systems. In addition, race, country, or the region we live in all affect and shape these systems. They are all very specific and unique.
Thought is a Storyteller
Belief systems are essentially an ideology or thought pattern/process that we carry. They influence our morality and how we walk in the world. They dictate what we consider right vs. wrong, our spiritual beliefs, our role in society, gender expression, social class, and more. Belief systems can be influenced by politics, friends, family, and education.
These concepts and identities act as stories that we are taught to tell ourselves from a young age. Over time, these stories help paint defining pictures of who we believe we are supposed to be.
As we each gain an understanding of how to navigate through life, our thought patterns become more rigid. The sum of a person’s belief systems can become outdated as they become older. Perhaps they are hyper-focused on a particular perspective of right vs. wrong, yes or no, or good and evil. As we grow, we start to realize that maybe these rigid perspectives only feel fitting because they propped us up in our adolescence. Our belief systems then become extremely limited and outdated.
Shifting the Pattern
The best way to grow and recover your belief systems is to understand how they can limit you in life– it might be several reasons! First, it’s essential to sift through and determine why you think the way you do, how you got to a thought pattern, and what to do with this action that will help you unwind. Habitual responses happen in conjunction with belief systems, showing us why we behave or think the way we do.
Having too many belief systems can prevent you from being grounded and present. If you’re consistently and unconsciously functioning off old and outdated systems, likely, you aren’t able to make good, conscious decisions. In turn, your success and performance in life may be limited. It can also make you uncompassionate or unaware of what is happening around you.
The goal is to become more dimensional with how we look at ourselves and more connected to our thoughts. For example, ask yourself questions like:
- Why do I have this specific ideology?
- Where did it come from?
By dissecting these patterns, you can become a more critical and well-rounded thinker.
The truth is, most issues in life are not black-and-white, right or wrong, good or bad.
As human beings, it’s easy for us to arrive at a conclusion about something and never question it again. Especially because of the daily bombardment of excessive information and stimulus. Things are constantly happening and shifting in the world, yet we expect ourselves to form concrete opinions.
Sometimes, it’s better not to form definite conclusions. Instead, allow your understanding to develop through information that presents itself in different ways.
All Things a Mirror
When we carry outdated belief systems, we may find ourselves frequently bumping up against people and ideas that make us feel uncomfortable. This occurrence can be a sign that the universe is showing where a change in ideology is necessary.
Changing old ideologies can begin with meditation.
Ask the Source for answers or ways to see where your belief systems are limiting you. Then, set intentions to see these systems clearly in order to change them. You can write these intentions down as you focus on the universal assistance to renew belief systems that no longer align with your growing self.
These methods are instrumental during times of personal and spiritual growth. If you genuinely desire change, be brave enough to move away from where you started.
Personally, I’ve had a lifetime’s worth of changing my opinions and ideas. But, just as I think I know something, I bump up against a belief system within myself or the greater whole that makes me realize I may be functioning off of outdated information or ideologies. Being aware of belief systems can help a person establish a mindful practice, which allows them to grow in a way they’re always wanted.
When we practice at this level of awareness, we’re often happier, healthier, and more compassionate. As a result of our improved connection, we attract love and success.
So, don’t be afraid to look at your belief systems. If an area of life just doesn’t ever seem to go or feel right, chances are you might have outdated thought patterns. The good news is you can recover from them.
Changing your belief system can change your life.
Allow yourself to grow and move past these areas. If you don’t, you may become angry at people or information that contradicts the stories you have taught yourself. Wherever your perception lies or comes from, you’ll move in the direction that you choose– if you have the intention to do so.