The Illuminating Full Moon in Pisces

Posted by Beth Ann Kennedy on

Illuminating Full Moon in Pisces Astrology


This week's Astrology is filled with peaceful transitions that hopefully are memorable and pleasant.

First, the Full Moon in Pisces arrives on Monday, September 20th, forming an opposition with the Sun in Virgo. This Pisces Full Moon is all about the water element with a focus on the Divine Feminine as well as energies relating to creativity, intuition, and emotions.

Pisces is one of the most psychic signs.

Pisces paired with the Full Moon means you should prepare to have some illumination on elements of your life.

Combine that with the pull from the Virgo Sun and you will find insight on rules, boundaries and how to organize what was once thought to be chaos. Add in the harmonization of Neptune, Pluto and Mars– and be ready for an epiphany!

Moving into Libra Season and the Fall Equinox.

Wednesday, September 21st brings the beginning of Libra Season as well as the Autumn Equinox. This will be inspire metamorphosis via motivation, transition with balance and perhaps a bit of enlightenment.

Be alone with your intuition and learn to trust your instincts as we move into indecisive Libra. So, we have selected some our favorite crystals that can support your psychic development during this period of transition.

Ready to learn more about Crystal Healing? View our classes!

Looking for crystal that align with this week's skies? The crystals and minerals below can support the Lunar energy and planetary movements of this week. In short, make efforts to connect with the Divine Feminine during this watery Full Moon. Let your intuition show you what you cannot see with your eyes.

Moonstone, Full Moon in Pisces

The definitive stone of the divine feminine and lunar energy of the moon. Connect to your intuition and unconscious. The "Stone of New Beginnings” and provides introspection, receptivity and understanding of cyclical change.

Blue Sapphire with Record Keepers, Full Moon in Pisces
Blue Sapphire with Record Keepers

This master teacher is a stone for healing and mysticism that helps with release and renewal of stuck energy. Reawaken dormant parts of the energy field.

Purple Fluorite Octahedrons, Full Moon in Pisces
Purple Fluorite

Make order from chaos and align with your higher truth. Connect to your unconscious and see the unseen. Enhance your psychic and intuitive abilities.

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